We apply candidate analytics to identify, recruit and hire, what we call, “Super-Engaged” employees. What is the S.A. Traut “Hacker Lab?” S.A. Traut Associates has been collecting and studying analytics for the past 4 years based on thousands of candidates’ answers to our innovative interview questions. Our statistics and analysis are evaluated in our Lab resulting in a successful formula that ensures our clients hire only “Super-Engaged”, supreme hacker coder employees resulting in a great corporate culture.
There are four types of employees in every company in every country. My source for three of these employees is the book “The Coming Jobs War.” The three employees they reference are from the best to worst respectively.
1. “Engaged Employees” (top 10% employees who better the company and only 28% of the world’s employees)
2. “Not Engaged Employees” (some value added, 9-5 workers, focused on collecting paychecks)
3. “Actively Disengaged” (go out of their way to disrupt everything).
4. “Super-Engaged Employee” The employee that S.A. Traut Associates has identified and specializes in recruiting/hiring is …the top 1% talent in your company who thinks outside the box, works 24/7 and comes up with great solutions that no one else has thought of…makes his or her team better. Think of Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Michael Jordan, and Wayne Gretsky as Super Engaged Employees. Also, great leaders/managers are few and far between according to “The Coming Jobs War”…1 in 5 Managers are Engaged and the majority of the remaining managers are simply “lousy”…in the author’s words. These “lousy” managers rarely get better and will only be the root cause for employee discontent amid your workforce resulting in less or disengaged customers and decreased revenue.